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Alchemist Karen No Longer Compromises, Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven: A Fun Experiment

Since it would touch the skin, Sara had Sieg do a patch test on the soft inner part of the arm, and since there were no particular issues, she had him use Karen’s facial soap.

“Chamomile can sometimes cause skin irritation.”

“But the appraisal result says it reduces inflammation, so wouldn’t it be impossible for the skin to become irritated?”

“Hmm…? Now that you mention it, you might be right.”

The appraisal mirror, also known as the goddess’s eye, was a magical tool that tells only the truth. In other words, this soap possessed the effect of soothing skin inflammation.

Incidentally, Sara seemed to understand the meaning of inflammation. It was likely because the symptoms manifest externally on the body.

“What are you doing, Karen?”

“An experiment.”

While dropping essential oils into two wash basins, Karen answered Sieg’s question.

He was lying in the bathtub, being washed by Sara.

Apparently, he had no sense of shame about being naked. Was it because he was a child, or because he was a noble? His body had become so thin it looked like nothing more than skin and bones. If it were a relative’s child who looked like this, Karen would probably turn away in pain.

Lady Karen, the appraisal mirror is on that wagon, please use it as you wish.”

Sara said this while washing Sieg. Karen gratefully borrowed it and began her analysis.

She successfully appraised the first basin, but the second one yielded no results.

Lavender Medicinal Bath

Induces Deep Sleep

This was the result for the one that worked. Sieg asked while his hair was being washed:

“What was the result?”

I was trying to create a potion in the two basins, but one failed to become a potion.”

“Why did it fail?”

“It’s like trying to make a magical power recovery potion using ingredients for a healing potion—that kind of failure.”

“The only ingredient for a magical power recovery potion is magic mushrooms, right?”


One was made to have a sleep effect, the other to have a pain-relieving effect. However, the pain-relieving effect did not appear despite lavender definitely having such an effect.

“So the effect is determined when the essential oil is made.”

Karen made lavender essential oil seeking a relaxation effect. Though her home didn’t have the luxury of a bath, she would drop it in a basin for a foot bath.

It seemed that once made, it was limited to the sleep effect, and at least magically, it couldn’t be used for other purposes. Probably, the effect was finalized the moment magical power was infused.

“Hmm, how interesting—”

Karen, you look like you’re having fun.”

“Alchemy is fun!”

Despite being busy with Lyos, she still wanted to remain an alchemist, so she continued making potions and stayed in the Alchemists’ Guild.


Master Sieg, are you interested in alchemy too?”

“No. It’s just… I haven’t seen someone look so genuinely enjoying themselves in a long time.”

Sara momentarily stopped her hand, then resumed washing Sieg’s hair.

These were people who loved their master so much. They probably couldn’t bring themselves to be cheerful in front of the weakened Sieg.

“If I’ve made you uncomfortable, I apologize.”

I’m not uncomfortable. Not at all.”

In fact, he seemed rather pleased. Perceiving Sieg’s subtle emotions, Karen said:

“Now I’m having fun helping you regain your health.”

“Is it fun?”

“Yes it is. I’m sorry for the trouble during your difficult time.”

Karen apologized, but she thought Sieg wouldn’t mind at all. As expected, Sieg laughed out loud.

“If you’re having fun, that’s great!”

“On that note, I’ve made a potion with a sleep-inducing effect. Would you like to try it?”

“Eh. Are you making me sleep already in the middle of the day?”

“If you can sleep, you should. You haven’t been sleeping recently, have you?”

He can’t eat, can’t sleep. Yet sustained by massive magical power, he can’t quite die. So he’s gradually weakening.

In her previous life, she heard about sleep deprivation torture. Those scenes of interrogations where the police threatened suspects to keep them awake came to mind. Even if he looked fine, it must be painful.

But Sieg pouted his lips.

I can’t sleep… but if I use your potion, I might actually fall asleep. And it’s such a good day—I was planning to visit Father.”

“If you don’t fall asleep, then let’s do that.”


Sieg let out a shout as Karen poured the sleep-inducing potion liberally into the bathtub.

If you listen to every childish whim, some things won’t heal.

Lyos was the prime example of that.

By the way, when mixed with water or hot water, potions didn’t lose their effect. They just get diluted.

“If you fall asleep, let’s leave it for tomorrow.”

Karenyou… so mean…”

I really wanted to see the sleep potion’s effect. Sorry.”

When people say, “It’s for your sake” at times like this, it’s infuriating if you didn’t ask for it, so Karen made it clear it was for her own reasons.

Sieg began to grow drowsy almost instantly, as if under the influence of anesthesia.

Sara gently whispers to him:

Master Sieg, I’ll make a reservation for you to meet the Lord tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow, I might not be… feeling well…”

I’m sure you’ll be fine. Good night.”

When Karen spoke in a light tone, Sieg glared resentfully before losing consciousness.

Immediately, maids who had been hiding around the room emerged, quickly lifting Sieg from the bathtub, wiping his body, and dressing him. A large maid carried Sieg in her arms and carefully took him to the bedroom.

Karen glanced at the essential oil bottle.

“Selling this would be dangerous.”

It’s almost a sleeping drug.

There was another potion, the standard sleeping potion. Unlike the standard one, this shouldn’t put someone to sleep if they’re not tired. However, for someone extremely fatigued, it seemed to work very quickly. At least when Karen used it, it only made her feel a bit sleepy. If an utterly exhausted person used it while bathing alone, they could easily drown.

After finishing her memo notes, Karen noticed the maids’ gazes who remained in the bathroom.

“Is something the matter?”

You are our hope, Lady Karen.”

With those words, eight maids standing in the narrow bathroom simultaneously bowed, causing Karen to startle and step back.

An older maid with a stern expression stepped forward.

I am Sophie, head maid. Lady Karen, please use us like your hands and feet. We are prepared to do anything that would benefit Master Sieg.”

I’ll be sure to call on you if I need more hands.”

“Please, don’t hesitate to give us any orders. We want to do anything we can for Master Sieg.”

Even the stern-faced head maid’s eyes were reddened.

He truly was a beloved heir.

What would they think if they knew Karen had essentially used Sieg’s life as leverage to push Julius into marriage?

Karen shivered, maintaining her pasted-on smile.

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