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The Forsaken Saintess and her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World, Chapter 114

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Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen: A Pleasant Sightseeing Trip, Enjoying Unknown Scenery

After driving for a while, we reached a fork in the road. According to the navigation, the right path led to the town of Melnoa, while the left continued towards the royal capital. I sensed a slight "wouldn’t right be okay?" aura from one person in the cabin, but as per yesterday’s discussion, I turned the steering wheel left towards the capital.

“What should we do for lunch today? I’m thinking the main ingredients will be processed meats like ham and bacon, cheese, and eggs. Is there anything in particular you’d like to eat?”

“…Usually, we could only manage to gnaw on bacon as is, so having someone cook for us like this… it feels quite luxurious.”

“…The darkness is still deep, I see…!”

You might wonder, "Planning lunch right after breakfast?" But what can I do? This is the Gourmands! A party of food lovers! Long live gluttony!

While catching a faint yet heartfelt smile from Mr. Xenon, I couldn’t help but sense the lingering aura of darkness behind him as I mentally went through the leftovers in the fridge. Ah, that’s it! Let’s make cheese fondue!

The cheese in this world has a rich, milky flavor that’s delicious! If I add the umami from that bacon, wouldn’t it be perfect? We have some white wine left, and I bought milk too. I also picked up some cornstarch-like thickener the other day… I can do this!

“Well then, how about cheese fondue for lunch today? It should be delicious with both meat and vegetables!”

“That sounds wonderful! I’m looking forward to it, Rin!”

“Y-Yes! I’ll do my best!”

Mr. Xenon’s glowing, radiant smile was so powerful, but I managed to hold my ground. I’m amazing. Super amazing.

Ah, as expected, since the main road connecting the blacksmith town and the royal capital is busy, I’m driving on the unpaved side of the road. It’s quite interesting to see horse-drawn wagons, dinosaur-drawn dragon carts, and people traveling on foot.

Occasionally, I see someone speeding by incredibly fast—apparently, they’re like express couriers. It’s a popular profession among races known for speed or endurance. Of course, they dash down the Highway so impressively that they attract attention, and I’m sure some people urgently need their deliveries made. It makes sense there’s demand for it.

As per the prior information about a slight mountain pass, the scenery is gradually becoming more forested. Watching the changing view from the window is enjoyable in itself.

I ended this semi-sightseeing drive at a suitable spot, parking the Camping Car in a pleasant shady area a bit off the Highway, out of sight.

“Then… we’ll go take a look around!”

“We’ll be back soon!”

I’m looking forward to lunch.”

“Alright, take care and be safe!”

With more trees around, visibility is reduced… So while I prepare lunch, Ms. Aria, Mr. Ed, and Mr. Xenon are going to patrol the surroundings.

Mr. Xenon’s smile is particularly dazzling, probably because I briefed him on the lunch menu. But Mr. Ed is no less charming with his playboy-cute style, Ms. Aria is a cute beauty, and Mr. Ville has that rugged handsome look…

Hmm. Everyone in our party is good-looking—except me, that is.

Huh? What about Gomamiso? Well… let’s say it’s annoyingly cute?

Mr. Ville and Gomamiso are on house-sitting duty, doubling as guards if needed. Quite the luxurious bodyguards, I’d say.

“Well then, shall I start preparing the meal?”

Me! Me too!’

“Need any help, Rin?”

“Let’s see… Mr. Ville, could you please take on the task of petting Gomamiso?”

“I-Is that okay?! I don’t dislike cats, you know…”

While receiving what the cat probably intended as affectionate nuzzling but felt more like headbutts to my shins, I headed to the kitchen. However, I couldn’t risk kicking Gomamiso as it wove around my feet, so… I scooped up Gomamiso and handed it over to Mr. Ville, who had come over. Mr. Ville’s eyes widened for a moment, but he soon squinted and started stroking Gomamiso’s throat. Seeing Gomamiso narrow its eyes and purr contentedly, it seems it doesn’t mind this arrangement.

According to Mr. Ville, he had been a bit envious since Ms. Aria had been constantly holding Gomamiso since we set out on our journey. Indeed, Gomamiso had been sticking close to Ms. Aria both in the passenger seat and cabin… I could even sense the murderous aura emanating from Mr. Ed all the way to the driver’s seat!

“So, what are you making today?”

I thought I’d keep it simple with cheese fondue. I’ll melt cheese and dip vegetables and bacon in it!”

“That sounds delicious just hearing about it!”

“The cheese is from that shop you recommended, Mr. Ville, so I think it’ll be tasty!”

Mr. Ville’s strawberry-colored eyes sparkle at the mention of the menu, while Gomamiso’s ears perk up, probably hoping for some scraps.

I’ll do my best to live up to their expectations today too! Rolling up my sleeves, I open the fridge door to start by taking out the cheese.

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