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The Saint Whose Engagement Was Broken When She Became Too Perfect is Sold Off to a Neighboring Kingdom, Chapter 89

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Part Three, Section Two: “To the Kingdom of Dalbhat

Chapter Eighty-nine

The kingdom of Dalbhat, situated at the westernmost edge of the vast Sodergard continent, was the largest country in terms of territory. It boasted a population more than twice that of Parnacota, making it the most populous nation on the continent.

This country, the homeland of Great Saint Fiana, had passed down various legends.

In Clamu doctrine, there was a myth that the Demon Realm, the Heavenly Realm, and the Surface were once interconnected, and the Surface was used as a proxy battlefield for the war between devils and angels.

Fearing this tremendous battle would destroy all three realms, one of the gods succeeded in severing the connection between them. However, Hades alone, the god of life and death, was left behind on the Surface, falling into a long slumber at the holy site here in Dalbhat.

As a result, though the Surface was no longer greatly affected by the Demon Realm outside of the demon cycle, people could no longer rely on the gods’ aid.

Thus the Clamu faith was born, whereby through prayer, people could receive the gods’ blessing and by doing so borrow their power..

Moreover, with the emergence of Fiana, someone capable of attaining a purer form of divine power, a new role within the Clamu faith was established—the position of a saint.

In other words, it was no exaggeration to say that for us Clamu believers, this kingdom of Dalbhat was the origin of everything.

"Haven’t seen it in a while, but Dalbhat’s royal capital is indeed thriving.”

Having come here before for ceremonies and such, Prince Oswald remarked on the capital’s liveliness. It was far more vibrant than Parnacota’s capital or my homeland of Girtonia.

"Since it’s right around lunchtime, the eateries get particularly crowded.”

"This area has many shops serving Dalbhat cuisine aimed at tourists. Look over there. They’re even performing a dragon dismantling show. Did you know dragon meat is commonly used in Dalbhat cooking?”

Looking in the direction Elsa indicated, we could see a brawny man dramatically dismantling a dragon on a platform with a butcher knife. That kind of performance would undoubtedly delight tourists. Prince Oswald and I also couldn’t help watching, enthralled.

I heard they use dragon meat here. There are a few places in Parnacota where you can find Dalbhat cuisine, but it seems obtaining the ingredients can be quite challenging. Moreover, I heard they use dozens of spices to remove the distinctive smell of dragon meat.”

"Mr. Leonardo mentioned that to me as well. He even said he’d try cooking it someday.”

Dragon meat had an even stronger odor than wild animals like bears or boars, and if simply cooked as-is, its distinctive bloody aroma made it inedible. In a book I read, it was described as like jamming an unwashed boot in your mouth. Cooking it deliciously required considerable skill and experience. Handling dozens of spices also demanded a keen sense of smell.

I bet one day he’ll say he wants to run his own restaurant.”

“An establishment run by Leonardo would undoubtedly thrive.”

"Ha, no doubt about that. I’d end up going every day.”

Though Leonardo always said he had no intention of becoming a professional chef, if he ever said he wanted to open a restaurant, I’d support him wholeheartedly.

While enjoying the dragon dismantling show, we engaged in casual conversation for a while. However, we couldn’t stay here just watching this forever.

"Shall we go? I want to take you to the headquarters.”

Elsa promptly suggested taking us to the headquarters of Clamu Church.

We were finally going to the main temple of our religion. I felt nervous.

"This way, please. Follow me.”

"I’ve heard Dalbhat’s Cathedral is the greatest work of art on the continent, but I haven’t seen it yet.”

"I’ve heard the rumors too. I look forward to seeing it.”

Following Elsa’s voice, we began moving.

After walking for a few minutes from the dismantling show, we learned why the cathedral was said to be the world’s greatest work of art.

"This is just…”

"I-Impressive! I’d heard it was big, but seeing it in person is so overwhelming!”

Faced with the majestic, graceful cathedral, Prince Oswald and I couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration. Despite the ancient architectural style, its appearance achieved the ultimate beauty through meticulous design.

And the sheer size of it! Despite being even larger than the palaces of Girtonia and Parnacota, the countless decorations gave the impression of endless, uncompromising grandeur. The scale, too vast to take in at a glance, left us nothing but transfixed and awestruck.

"The interior is pretty awesome too, not just the exterior. Thanks to this place, I haven’t struggled to find a date spot for centuries.”

"I suppose so. There couldn’t be another place this romantic yet timeless that never gets boring.”

"I love how you sincerely respond to jokes, Philia. His Highness Oswald is a lucky man. Well, I have a date to get to now.”

After telling us the interior was great too, not just the exterior, Mammon waved and left the area. Seeing Elsa didn’t say anything, I wondered if it was work-related or something personal. In any case, it would just be the three of us going forward.

"I’m taking you to see Archbishop Orstra[1] now. He’s the one who ordered me to bring you here, Great Saint.”

"So it was Archbishop Orstra’s order. I was certain it was Archbishop Henry’s command.”

Archbishop Orstra, one of the three archbishops.

If I recall correctly, he should be the eldest among them.

Just like Prince Oswald, I also thought Elsa was acting under Archbishop Henry’s orders, so it was surprising.

"Of course, Archbishop Henry also wishes for your arrival, but he’s not my direct superior.”

"Your direct superior?”

"I see, that’s how it is. So, Archbishop Orstra oversees you and the rest exorcists. Am I right, Miss Elsa?”

Elsa’s statement, clarifying that Archbishop Henry was not her immediate superior, revealed the person responsible for coordinating the exorcists. Upon hearing Prince Oswald’s words, she nodded slowly.

"Yes. While he stands as an archbishop in front of the believers, he has another side. He is the commander overseeing exorcists like me, Klaus, and Alice.”

I never expected that someone from the archbishop class would be the leader of the exorcists.

There seemed to be many people at the headquarters that had dual roles, including Alice who served as both saint and exorcist.

"What kind of person is Archbishop Orstra? I’ve heard he spent decades in harsh training to become archbishop, but his career as a priest or bishop is unknown, so he’s shrouded in mystery.”

Archbishop Orstra, much like Archbishop Henry, was also a mysterious figure with many secrets.

His career prior to becoming archbishop was a complete mystery, and the only record we had was that the Pope approved his decades of rigorous training.

"Oh, Archbishop Orstra was active as an exorcist for a long time. He became archbishop after his achievements as an exorcist were recognized, but that’s confidential. Even in his 60s now, his skill remains certain.”

"I see, he was given the position due to his past as an exorcist, and now he’s overseeing you and your colleagues.”

Hearing Elsa’s explanation, I nodded in understanding. For them, there could be no better leader than someone with experience in the field.

"Miss Elsa, did this Archbishop Orstra not oppose Miss Philia becoming the next Pope?”

After learning about his personality, Prince Oswald inquired if he showed any displeasure towards the idea of me becoming the Pope.

I wonder if this was the consensus among them. While Archbishop Henry aside, I suspected quite a few in the church opposed me being Pope but didn’t voice it aloud.

"He is completely indifferent to any desire to be Pope, surprisingly.”

In response to Prince Oswald’s inquiry, Elsa answered that he had no interest in the position of Pope.

"We’ve arrived. Wait here, Archbishop Orstra will come.”

Walking amidst the mysterious and luxurious decorations, we didn’t even realize we had reached a reception room. Ideally, I hoped Archbishop Orstra could be an ally. Following Elsa, we also entered the room.

The translator's notes

1. In chapter 49, Elsa's superior was Archbishop Zenos. Perhaps the author renamed him or simply forgot about him.

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