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The Forsaken Saintess and her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World, Chapter 75

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Chapter Seventy-five: The Dungeon Is Snowy Today

When you pass through the border tunnel, you enter a snow country where the night turns white, just like in Kawabata Yasunari’s famous "Snow Country." But in our case, after descending the long dungeon stairs, we found ourselves in a snowy field… that’s more accurate. Fortunately, there was barely any wind. The drab sky simply let large, fluffy snowflakes the size of peonies drift soundlessly down, accumulating at our feet with a soft rustling sound.

Hmm… How nostalgic, this scenery… It reminds me of winters back home growing up. Touching the snow underfoot, it is, of course, cold, but also densely heavy—this is wet, peony-like snow containing plenty of moisture. When snow is this heavy, blizzard conditions are less likely, but it does make walking quite laborious…

Although I have a jacket, it’s not thick enough to withstand this cold… for now, I’ll wrap myself in a blanket. The fur mantle Mr. Ville lent me seems cold-resistant, but I can’t bring myself to use a borrowed item in this bad weather! As for footwear… with snow piling up to nearly mid-calf, even high-tops are no match. Proper snow boots would have been better, but… Well, I suppose I should be grateful I’m not wearing the sandals I usually fish in.

…Come to think of it, Ms. Aria seems to be managing with the moxa pack, but what about the guys…?

Me, I’m pretty bundled up to begin with. Got this mantle and all, so I’ll manage just fine.”

“This cold doesn’t really bother me much.”

“Fortunately, my equipment is quite adequate, so I don’t feel much of a problem.”

Mr. Ed casually chuckled, his navy cape billowing in the wintry world. Despite his light clothing, the muscular Mr. Ville simply shrugs. Even Mr. Xenon, who looks the most susceptible to cold, seemed completely unfazed…

It’s a relief that everyone has a tolerance for the cold.

“…Anyway, there’s… a building… over there…”

Ms. Aria pointed to a large building silhouette, barely visible through the falling snow… But it’s quite far and positioned on what looks like a hill or a small mountain.

Marching through this snow to that hill… a snowy field march, perception check fails, navigation fumbles, failed endurance rolls… ugh, my head…!

…No, stay calm. Unlike back then, I now have the Camping Car with built-in navigation! With Campy, we don’t have to worry about freezing or running out of supplies!

…Huh? At the edge of my vision, something red seems to be stirring.

It’s Survival’s red alert frame!

Mr. Ville, Ms. Aria, something to the right…!”

Rin? Did you say something?”

“Red frame… an enemy!! A monster!!!”

“What!…? Tch! That thing!”

The wind isn’t strong enough to create a blizzard, but the steadily falling snow still muffles sounds and voices. I thought I had spoken loudly enough, but it seemed my voice didn’t quite carry to the frontline, as Mr. Ville turned with a puzzled look.

Ah! In the time I wasted, that red frame has closed in at an alarming speed!

Raising my voice again finally allows them to spot both my warning and the approaching threat. Mr. Ville takes a combat stance with his greatsword, Ms. Aria following suit a beat later.

The red alert… the enemy, is now close enough for me to see. With white fur blending into the snow, powerful legs kicking up the snow, and developed tusks and nose for digging through the snow… it is an enormous boar!

True to its "reckless charge" nature, the gigantic boar barrels straight towards us.

But, even if it charges at us head-on, we have Ms. Aria’s cutting net…

“…It’s… getting… c-cold…”

“Are you okay? Your movements are…”

“This terrain is just too ill-suited for Aria!”

Simply being out in the snow for 30 minutes is enough to sap away the moxa pack’s warming effects, it seems.

Glancing at the shivering, dejected Ms. Aria, Mr. Ville let out a resigned sigh before bisecting the boar… no, the "Snow Boar" according to Survival… with a swing of his greatsword.

Sadly, the bisected boar did not dissolve into black mist.

Puzzled, I read Survival’s description carefully… ah, I see, this is not a monster per se, but a magical creature! As something half-monster, half-living being, defeating magic creatures does not make them disappear like monsters. Rather, their physical bodies remain, allowing you to harvest materials like meat, hides, tusks, and claws if butchered…

“We’ll have to discard it this time. Cutting it in half has ruined the meat and hide.”

You’re right, tending to Ms. Aria takes priority… Anyway, I’ll manifest the Camping Car, so everyone please get inside! Let’s take a break for now!”

True, the boar, lying in the snow with its fur stained red, would indeed be a hassle to harvest for meat and fur, with little reward for the effort.

“First, into the car! Let’s all have something warm to drink.”

I led everyone to Campy which appeared on the snowy plain. Inside, it is so warm it almost brings tears to my eyes.

For now, I should whip up something to rejuvenate us from the chills and fatigue of marching through the snow.

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