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The Saint Whose Engagement Was Broken When She Became Too Perfect is Sold Off to a Neighboring Kingdom, Chapter 93

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Part Three, Section Two: “To the Kingdom of Dalbhat

Chapter Ninety-three

The funeral ended and the attendees exited the temple. Following Elsa’s instructions, I remained here.

Archbishop Orstra had arranged for me to speak with him after the funeral today.

"With this, His Holiness’s soul can rest in peace.”

"Yes, his achievements have been engraved in the God’s Blood and passed on to the next generation.”

The experiences of all past Popes were engraved in the God’s Blood. By inheriting this through generations, it became possible to evolve into the future without forgetting the past. We were able to keep learning from our ancestors because the existence of the Pope plays a vital role in connecting the past and present.

"Now, all that remains is the ritual of papal succession. At this rate, you will inherit the God’s Blood from the Holy Grail.”

"I understand that. However, as I’ve said repeatedly, I came here to prevent that from happening. I’m grateful to you for acting towards that goal, Ms. Elsa.”

"It’s nothing serious. I just got curious. I wanted to know what his purpose is in wanting you to become Pope.”

Once I undergo the ritual of papal succession, I won’t be able to resign from the position of Pope until I die. To avoid that, I need to hurry and prove my selection as the next Pope was unjust.

And for that, I had to get him to admit to his actions himself.

"It’s been since the funeral of Miss Elizabeth that I’ve met Archbishop Henry. He’s quite stubborn. That day, too, with my brother—”

"Your Highness Oswald, it’s been a while! I never expected to meet you again in such circumstances.”


Just then, we heard a low voice behind us and turned to see a bespectacled man with brown hair in white robes walking towards us. Young—that was my first impression of him.

Despite being Bishop Bjorn’s senior and supposedly ten years my elder, he looked to be about twenty years old like Prince Oswald and I.

"Archbishop Henry, I apologize for making you come all this way. My superior sends his regards to you.”

"Please, don’t worry about it. I too looked forward to this meeting today. Rather, forgive me for making you all wait. Heh heh heh.”

Archbishop Henry smiled at me. His gaze was as sharp as an arrow. While his expression seemed to be smiling, his eyes weren’t smiling at all.

He vaguely resembled his cousins, Grace and Emily, but gave the opposite impression to their soft ambiance.

"I am Philia Adenauer. I’m pleased to meet you.”

"It’s been a while, Archbishop Henry. Most of all, I’m glad you seem well.”

Prince Oswald and I greeted Archbishop Henry.

We were supposed to meet here after the funeral ended, so this was as planned.

Archbishop Orstra kept his promise.

I’m delighted to meet you, Philia, the new Pope. The previous Pope would surely be pleased as well. That such a talented and beautiful saint, gifted and most of all youthful and healthy, will be his successor! You’re just too perfect!”

That was high praise. Staring wide-eyed with his hands raised to the heavens, Archbishop Henry made an exaggerated, excited expression.

Though the corners of his mouth were upturned in a smile, as ever his eyes weren’t smiling.

I wonder what he’s feeling…

"I’m still far from perfect, but I humbly accept your compliments.”

“Heh heh heh, you are being modest. You have been hailed as the greatest saint in history, even attaining the title of Great Saint. You must surely feel like you have everything in the world at your fingertips.”

"Oh, no, not at all. I haven’t done anything like that…”

"No need to worry. As a saint serving the gods with a beautiful heart, humility is only proper. And to have His Highness Oswald, a member of the royal family of Parnacota, as your partner, is truly something to envy.”

Being envied was something I had never even considered.

Did Archbishop Henry genuinely see me that way?

While it was true that Prince Oswald was more than I deserved, and having him as my fiancé might be something to boast of, hearing this from someone else made me feel strangely embarrassed.

Master Henry. It’s about time for your carriage to arrive.”

"Huh!? Th-This feeling…”

The two brawny figures shrouded in black hoods behind Archbishop Henry. I was familiar with this bizarre magic power that was neither human nor demonic.

Could they be… No, they undoubtedly are…

"Are you accompanied by devils?”

I talked about the two who exuded the same aura as devils like Mammon, Satanakia, and Asmodeus. The Archbishop’s attendants were devils? Moreover, from their significant magic powers and fluent speech, borrowing Mammon’s term, they seemed to be high-level devils.

"Philia, you saw through them at a glance, as expected. However, I’ve done nothing wrong. Using devils isn’t the exclusive right of exorcists alone.”

"Well, that may be so, but is it safe?”

"Oh my, how uncharacteristic prejudice from you, Philia. Don’t worry, I have proper contracts with them. They absolutely obey me.”

Absolutely obey? While Elsa and Mammon’s relationship seemed like trust, Archbishop Henry’s relationship with the devils felt inorganic.

However, since he wasn’t technically breaking any rules, I stopped pressing the issue further.

"Saints, exorcists, indeed, power is necessary to improve this continent, this world! I too want to strive to gain great power like you and Elsa to create an ideal world!”

Wanting to change the world with great power didn’t sound mistaken. After all, significant power was often necessary to accomplish anything substantial.

Yet something about how Archbishop Henry phrased it gave me an inexplicable feeling of discomfort. It felt as if dark emotions were leaking out.

"When you become Pope, Philia, won’t it be enjoyable? All the believers on the continent will follow you. They will undoubtedly believe the world is changing into something more wonderful!”

I hadn’t even imagined how the world might change if I became Pope. Does Archbishop Henry wish that much to change the world?

"With such power, you can become a hero remembered in history. The deeds of the powerless will be overwritten and forgotten from people’s memories, and they will only be drawn to the great hero.”


While Archbishop Henry’s magic power was far smaller than Asmodeus’, and he was human like us, at that moment I sensed something from him that could only be described as more terrifying than Asmodeus. It could be called sorrowful yet also interpreted as loving; a complex blend of emotions that for some reason, made me feel afraid.

"Well, there’s no point standing here talking further. Please join me at my residence to leisurely chat. If you would be so kind, allow me to treat you to dinner as well.”

The incomprehensible aura disappeared. Was I imagining it…?

I believed it could be resolved through discussion since we were both human, but after getting a little sense of Archbishop Henry’s personality, that belief was shaken.

It might be extremely difficult to persuade him.

The final emotion I felt from Archbishop Henry’s eyes was the strength of his unwavering determination. A blinding light without a shred of hesitation.

“Oh, we gladly accept your offer. That’s what you also intend, right, Miss Philia?”

"Y-Yes, of course.”

"…Phew, I’m relieved! I was worried you might refuse. Heh heh heh heh!”

It was a relief that Prince Oswald responded to cover the awkward silence I caused, and we ended up accepting the invitation to dine at Archbishop Henry’s mansion.

Thank goodness. I got too absorbed in my thoughts.

Now, when should I broach the topic that I suspect he altered the Pope’s will?

As I pondered such matters, we arrived at Archbishop Henry’s estate after several hours rocking in the carriage.

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1 comment:

  1. Scary... Don't say anything Philia, bad things are going to happen 😭
