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The Forsaken Saintess and her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World, Chapter 64

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Chapter Sixty-four: A Grudge over Food Is Terrifying

Ms. Aria’s enemy detection net has detected five spots of magical stagnation. We probably need to eliminate all these spots to dispel the illusion and spatial distortion, or perhaps destroying the "correct" one out of those five would be enough… We’re not sure which it is, but since this exploration is for investigation, we decided to check them all out.

"…In any case, we should assume there will be some traps.”

"Eh, really? I thought if it wasn’t the main one, there’d be nothing.”

“Even if it’s a decoy location, nothing is stopping the dungeon from setting traps to whittle down our forces.”

"Ah… that makes sense…”

Mr. Ville’s nonchalant words sent a chill down my spine… Does that mean dangers are lying in wait everywhere we go here?! I need to really stay on guard, this is serious stuff! And the fact that he can say that without flinching means he’s been through some hellish battles…

I look around again and even knowing it’s an illusion, the sensation of grass tickling my shins and the smell of the earth carried by the wind feels incredibly real. Magic is amazing.

Seriously, our party that can see through such a sophisticated illusion at first glance is pretty amazing too, right…?

Just as I was being struck again by the dreadful reality I had been trying not to think about, a sudden snapping sound came from underfoot.


“Damn! The area was wider than expected! Rin, run!”

“Y-Yes…! Eh, the barrier, it’s quite sturdy!?”

At the same time, a pale green semi-transparent barrier-like structure enclosed the area around us. To put it into words, we were trapped inside a dome-like space with a radius of about 15 meters and a height of around 10 meters. I rushed to the wall at the unusually frantic tone in Mr. Ville’s voice, but despite looking thin and fragile, no amount of pushing or pounding made it budge.

Yup. Getting out from here seems pretty impossible… Actually, instead of trying to get through the wall, I should have just activated the Camping Car. Since the wall was see-through, I just ended up drawn towards it without thinking… I need to train myself to make calm decisions…

As I exhale a shaky breath and try to activate Campy… a harsh, inorganic clanking sound comes from behind me. Even knowing it is pointless, I still turn around.


“Damn, magical automatons! What a pain!”

What emerged from the eerily swirling light on the ground was an autonomous machine with a form straight out of a mecha anime—small in size but still appearing to be around 3 meters tall. There is one white unit and one red one. The red one has what looks like a single eerie red eye peering out from a black slit on its face area.

As I rushed into the car, a laser beam from the mono-eye burned black where I had been standing.

O-Oh, my god, that was way too close! If that had hit me directly… I would have died, right!?

…Come to think of it, that red one was clearly aiming for me… the most fragile part of the party!

Emitting an ominous whirring sound, the red unit’s eye ignored Mr. Ville and the rest as it scanned the area, apparently searching for me since the Camping Car’s camouflage hid me from view.

…Tch…! It’s not giving up, is it…!

The red one stubbornly kept firing its laser at the area around where I had vanished and activated Campy.

"You bastard… how dare you target our cook!”

"You’ll regret this…!”

"You’ll pay for this with your life!”

"Ville, the white one is a close-range type. Its outer shell is tough but the joints are vulnerable. Ed, Aria, the red one is long-range. Restrain it with netting before it can keep its distance, then hit it with lightning magic. We must give these defilers of our dining table their just deserts.”

As I hurriedly tried to get into the driver’s seat to flee, those were the enraged shouts I heard from everyone. At the same time, the relentless laser fire stopped.

Looking over, I saw Mr. Ville leading the charge, effortlessly wielding a greatsword and targeting the white one’s joints, with Ms. Aria ensnaring the red one with threads, and Mr. Ed channeling lightning magic through them. Mr. Xenon, smiling brightly, gave precise instructions on the red and white weaknesses to the team.

…But that greatsword Mr. Ville is wielding… It’s a two-handed sword, right? How is he using it with one hand? Ms. Aria, those threads bind the red one… Aren’t they more of a cocoon than a net now? And Mr. Ed, the lightning magic… It’s high-voltage, right…? Did he get special training for handling high-voltage electricity…? While the three of them raged, only Mr. Xenon kept a soft tone and gentle expression… though I could have sworn an icy fury radiated from his entire being…?

In conclusion: the grudge over food is terrifying.

Watching the red and white robot duo swiftly reduced to scrap, I am once again reminded of how important mealtimes are to the Gourmands…

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The Forsaken Saintess and her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World, Chapter 63

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Chapter Sixty-three: Dungeon-Style Projection Mapping

For maximum deliciousness… I decided not to store the meat in the fridge but to leave it inside the vehicle to return to room temperature. It’s hard to grill it nicely when it’s still cold, after all. By the time we decide on today’s rest spot, it should be at the perfect temperature.

"Still, I’m glad the dropped meat was already properly aged…! I don’t have the confidence to butcher a whole carcass myself.”

"Oh, no need to worry about that, Rin. Butchering is something I can handle. Yes, butchering alone I can do.”

"R-Really…? Just where did you learn that…?”

"For a long-lived elf, a guardian of the forest, hunting is an essential life skill after all.”

Before me, unable to stop smiling even after deactivating the manifestation of the Camping Car, Mr. Xenon placed a hand on his chest with a courteous nod and playful wink.

…Whew…! Who said beauties only take three days to get used to?! Only those who can withstand a direct wink from a classic handsome blond, blue-eyed elf can make that claim!

Me? I couldn’t handle it! Uwaaah! My heart… My heart is in pain! I’ll die from an overly attractive party member!

Suffering significant damage to both my circulatory system and mental state, I managed to squeeze out a voice… and received a very straightforward answer… I see. Mr. Xenon is an elf after all. I kept gushing "handsome elf" but was too focused on the "handsome" part to remember the "elf" aspect…

Sorry for the stereotype, but even as a priest, I wonder if he’s also good with a bow…

"…Wait…? If you can butcher, doesn’t that extend to cooking as well…?”

"Don’t, Rin. That elf right there is the one who created the abomination known as ‘charred raw meat.’”

"Ah, the notorious contradiction I’ve heard about…”

"I’m not the only one. Ed, Aria, and even Ville, who acts all nonchalant, have all made that contradictory dish.”

When I wondered if being able to butcher meant he could slice and cook too… Mr. Ville shot Mr. Xenon a scathing side-eye with a low grumble. Ah… Mr. Ville was giving Mr. Xenon a look like he was an insect… They say food grudges are terrifying but to this extent…? What came from Mr. Xenon’s thin, well-shaped lips in response to Mr. Ville’s scornful gaze was another bombshell revelation.

Oh… I see… So everyone has attempted that contradictory dish at least once, huh… No wonder everyone was so desperate to make me the dedicated cook.

Could it be that butchering and cooking skills are different? There are similarities in "processing meat," but…? Well, since I can cook fairly well myself, I don’t really understand what it means to “not be able to cook”…

Hmm… Does everyone’s failure stem from the seasoning part? Or do they mess up some steps due to being unfamiliar with cooking? Well, there doesn’t seem to be any food alchemists…

If I figure out the cause, maybe I could help everyone learn to cook…?

…Oops… Now’s not the time to ponder such things. I need to stay vigilant…

Pushing such trivial thoughts to the back of my mind, I trudge through the endless grassland, relying on Ms. Aria’s scouting and my Survival.

"Still, this is a dungeon, right…? How can it be this vast…?”

"…Actually, I don’t think it really is that big… There seems to be an illusion magic and spatial magic in effect… We may not be able to proceed without dispelling them.”

"An illusion magic… Like the one the guild staff cast at the entrance? I can even touch everything…”

"It’s similar to that. I think it’s materializing the illusion just around us while hiding the entrance to another level and using spatial magic to create an infinite loop…”

"Essentially a single sheet-like space, with the edges connected into a ring or sphere of sorts…”

"Hmm… So we could walk endlessly but never advance, just loop back to where we started?”

"Normally, yes. Luckily we have Aria to prevent us from getting lost… But for first-timers, it would be extremely difficult.”

When I touched the grass at my feet, which was said to be an illusion, I felt the rough texture of the plant. However, trying to examine it with Survival yielded no information. Come to think of it, I hadn’t noticed before that Survival doesn’t react to illusory constructs. Makes sense, since it can’t identify something not truly present. So in essence, it’s making a vast room appear immensely larger… Like high-resolution, large-scale projection mapping, maybe?

Manipulating space is a novel concept to me, but having played RPGs with dungeons employing infinite loop gimmicks unless following specific routes, I can grasp the idea. Seeing through such an intricate illusion, while also detecting the spatial loop, would indeed be extremely difficult for first-timers. I got hopelessly lost in those RPG dungeons many times!

So what we need to do now is find and destroy whatever is projecting—or rather, generating—the illusion, as well as the source distorting space to maintain the infinite loop. It’s the only way we can dispel the illusion and spatial magic.

"Aria, can you sense any areas where mana seems to be concentrated or stagnating?”

"Mm… There are a few spots… If we strike those, it should work… I think.”

From Ms. Aria and Mr. Xenon’s exchange, it seems Ms. Aria’s enemy detection is picking up some reaction, so we may not need to blindly wander wasting stamina.

Still, it sounds quite difficult…!

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The Forsaken Saintess and her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World, Chapter 62

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Chapter Sixty-two: As We Delve Deeper, The Meat Haul Grows

I cower and hold my breath inside the manifested Camping Car. Even though I know in my head that the enemy cannot see me, I cannot help but tense up when I see the gigantic cow-like monster scraping the ground with its hooves and heading toward me.

Descending the stairs leading down, we emerged into vast grassland. Truly living up to its reputation as a "realm secluded from reality," this was a place that defied various natural laws, as I was made keenly aware. In this vast open space, where I could even see the horizon, there was nowhere for me to hide, so I was made to promise to immediately retreat into the Camping Car if anything happened.

And now, having sensed the approach of that giant cow, I’ve taken refuge inside Campy.

…No, but seriously, it’s huge… Even its crescent moon-curved horns alone are gigantic, you know? Which is why to support those horns, its head and body are equally gigantic, you know? It seems quite aggressive, too; if it charges, I don’t think anyone will come out unscathed…!

According to Survival, its name is the straightforward "Wild Ox," but “The meat has a good balance of lean and fat, and it’s very tender and delicious!” Despite its size, the meat is tender and very tasty! I repeat it because it’s important!

I really hope it drops some of that meat… though… Survival also mentioned "its horns and hide can be used as materials for crafting weapons and armor," so it’ll probably drop those too along with the meat.

Please let it drop meat…! I’ll do anything for it to drop meat…! Above all, I pray the party members facing off against such a massive, horned behemoth emerge unscathed…!

“…Give me back my sincere prayers…!”

“Hm? What are you talking about?”

“It’s nothing! I mean, that monster looked so strong, but you guys defeated it so easily! I’m glad no one got hurt, but still!”

The massive ox’s bloodshot eyes glinted menacingly, and then it charged straight at the party… and was torn apart… Yup. That "What are you talking about?" look hurts, but that’s exactly what happened!

Looking closely, Ms. Aria’s threads were woven into a spider web-like net, which the ox charged straight into and exploded into scattered chunks. Yup. I thought she’d ensnare and immobilize it in that net for a beating, but I never expected the net itself to be the weapon…!

I mean… witnessing such grotesque carnage does leave an impression, you know! Even if the remains instantly vanish to dust, it’s still a gruesome sight! The last thing one needs to see!

Ms. Aria proudly puffing out her voluptuous chest is a blessed sight, but still…!

“Hmm? I don’t quite understand, but sorry? Anyway, look at this, Rin!”

“Wh-Whooooaaaa! M-Meat! Prime wild ox meat! And two pieces!?”

“It might be because the body was massive, so… Multiple drops!”

“Th-This… The balance of lean and marbling is exquisite…! This is guaranteed to be delicious!”

What Mr. Ville gleefully presented were a log-like chunk of meat and a thick, bone-in cut.

The chunk of meat had a window displaying “Wild Ox/Rump (Aged)” and the thick cut was “Wild Ox/T-Bone (Aged)”! Aged means it’s already ready to be enjoyed deliciously as it is, right?!

But how is it that, even though it just dropped, it’s as cold as if it just came out of the fridge…?

The chunk of meat has a perfect mix of dense red meat and white marbling, making it look delicious. The texture is just right, with a good amount of bounce, suggesting it wouldn’t get tough even when cooked. As for the bone-in, it’s so thick you could call it a "meat board"—I’d wager over 5cm thick. This single T-bone cut contains both the tender filet and the exquisitely marbled strip loin. Since the filet is quite large, does that make it a special "porterhouse" cut?

Oh, my heart’s been going crazy with all the surprises and joys since we came down here! I hope I’m not shortening my lifespan!?

The T-bone is definitely for steaks, while the rump could make a nice roast beef. The marbling in that red meat will melt with heat, making it tender and juicy!

“…! Mr. Ville!!!”


‘GiIIiii GyaaaAAAAaaAAAAA!!!!’

What pulled me back from my daydreams was, of course, Survival’s alert. Not from the front or rear, but suddenly swooping down from above… Mr. Ville’s name instinctively burst from my lips.

The blade of his greatsword, swung without hesitation, deflected what looked like a massive bird big enough to have a wingspan rivaling an adult human. Its sharp talons and beak marked it as a predator. Though the force of that earlier blow seemed to have injured it, leaving it flailing helplessly on the ground and not very threatening as an apex predator…

With heavy strides towards the downed bird, Mr. Ville nonchalantly snaps its neck like breaking a twig, and it disintegrates to dust.

“Good eye, Rin. The momentum of its dive was really strong. If it hit the wrong spot, could’ve been more than just an injury.”

I guess the Survival Skill really does activate for emergencies even if it’s not in my vision… I didn’t notice before since there were no surprise attacks.”

“Oh, right, good point. We’ve only encountered proactive battles so far. Well, most importantly, no one got hurt.”

“Thank you again for saving me! Look forward to the next meal!”

While I was appreciating the usefulness of Survival, Mr. Ville patted my back. I only remained unharmed because our leader reacted instantly just from me calling his name in a pinch!

When I clenched my fist in resolve, Mr. Ville’s stern expression melted into a smile. I think this meat will be delicious no matter how I cook it! And I’ll give it my all too!

Ah! I can’t wait to cook!

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The Forsaken Saintess and her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World, Chapter 61

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Chapter Sixty-one: The Dungeon, Rations, and Me

"I had a look around, and the monsters and creatures that appear don’t seem particularly strong… Or rather, should I say they are more bark than bite?”

"Yes. They may look grand or flashy, but their actual strength is lacking, I suppose? I’d say they’re kind of weak?”

"Like that fire bear we faced before…”

"The traps aren’t that strong either.”

While showing a good appetite, we’re sharing information. It’s great that the meal isn’t disrupting the discussion. It’s important to enjoy the food and think “Delicious!”, but it’s also important to eat casually without losing focus in situations like this.

With vegetable soup and ham and egg rice bowl, you can dig in with a spoon without worrying about spilling or making a mess.

I haven’t fought or checked the traps myself, so I don’t really know how strong the enemies are, but from what I’ve heard, the enemies on this floor don’t seem to be much of a threat to us…

Ah… This ham and egg rice bowl is delicious though… The ham is nicely browned and crispy, and when you bite into the slightly curled fat bits, a rich umami juice bursts out. The yolk is rich and creamy, and the white is tender yet firm, thanks to the heat evaporating the moisture. Combined with slightly sweetened soy sauce and fluffy, sweet, sticky rice… you just can’t stop eating!

The hajirokanran and tomatoes balance out the greasiness of the ham and eggs, making it so you can eat endlessly.

"Sorry Rin… The soup is all gone…”

"Oh? I thought I made quite a large batch, but it wasn’t enough?”

"Aww… I wanted more…!”

"Me too! For the next meal, can you make a bit more?”

"We’ll gather more ingredients!”

"Got it! I have a larger pot too, so I’ll make plenty next time!”

Around when the conversation lulled, Mr. Ville peered into the pot I had firmly set on the table and looked at me with a rather pitiful expression. I thought I had made quite a lot in a big pot, but I guess it wasn’t enough. And as soon as they realized there were no seconds, everyone’s energy just dropped. Is it really that big a deal…? Yup, it really is, huh…

Not being able to have seconds when you want them is quite heartbreaking, yup.

Was I unconsciously holding back on the amount I made because I was too focused on saving? I need to reflect on that. Before entering the dungeon, everyone said "We’ll gather ingredients!" so I shouldn’t have worried.

From now on, I’ll make a conscious effort to cook more. That way, it should be enough, right?

"Once we’ve filled our bellies and rested, shall we proceed to the next floor?”

"Yeah, I’m for moving forward. Better to finish scouting quickly, no?”

"However, enemies on the next floor may be stronger, so we should proceed cautiously until we understand the tendencies.”

"Mm. With Rin here… Once we get a decent grasp, shall we call it a day then?”

"Good idea. If we find a spot we can rest, let’s stop for today. You okay with that, Rin?”

"I’ll just follow everyone’s lead since you all handle scouting and combat. I still have plenty of energy too!”

Indeed. The only thing I can do regarding our progress is report my fatigue level.

…And as we solidified our plans, the oven chimed to signal it was done.

As I open the oven door under the watchful eyes of everyone, a sweet scent of baked carbs and the savory smell of melting cheese waft through the vehicle.

Someone audibly gulps.

"Hmm… Not a bad result for being out of practice, I’d say.”

"Rin, what is that…? It looks like… baked sweets…?”

“It’s more of a snack than sweets… those are savory cakes with meat and veggies. I made them hoping they could work as rations.”

Using the leftover cake flour and baking powder, along with the milk, eggs, bacon, and extra vegetables I bought today, I made something that could satisfy hunger while on the move. Once cooled, I can slice and wrap them up so we can eat during our activities.

By the way, I also have a dough made from bread flour, baking powder, water, and salt proofing in the fridge. With that, I can make steamed buns or fry it like pull-apart bread, so it should serve as a staple food. If I have time, I want to cook and freeze extra rice too…

Since I’ll be marching with everyone instead of waiting at a base camp, I want to make meals quickly!

Moreover, after a day’s work, everyone will be hungry.

"…Can’t we eat those now?”

"I’d like to save them as rations for marching… If you’re still hungry, I can peel some fruit, so please bear with me.”

As familiar "I want more" gazes tried to claim the fresh savory cakes, I brandished some oranges I had chilled in the veggie compartment. In an instant, all eight eyes turn to the fruits—how honest of them.

I should probably also dry the orange peels to use as filler for moxa heating pads.

Carefully peeling the orange skin without cutting into the fruit itself, I continue to peel.

…If I have time, I’d love to make some marmalade jam… Crêpes Suzette would be delicious too… There are so many dishes I want to try cooking.

As I contemplate the next meal’s menu, I gradually build a mountain of orange peels.

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The Forsaken Saintess and her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World, Chapter 60

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Chapter Sixty: Let’s Cook An Adventure Meal!

Of course, we continued exploring after that. The formation remained as planned: Mr. Ville and Ms. Aria at the vanguard, me in the middle, and Mr. Ed and Mr. Xenon at the rear… Though we did slow our walking pace just a bit. It’s because of me, getting all fired up about trying to use my skill consciously, even though it’s supposed to be a passive ability always active. Everyone is so incredibly considerate…!

So, after trying various things…

"It’s pretty… ambiguous…”

“In my opinion, it’s a really good skill. It’s highly effective for gathering and collecting, and it could be handy for self-defense as well.”

"It’s so frustrating that, despite you all taking the time to help me, my skill doesn’t seem useful in combat…”

For scouting, trap detection, and other exploration aspects, it falls far short of Ms. Aria’s detection range. And when it comes to identifying monster details, I’m no match for Mr. Xenon’s appraisal, especially in combat… My skill really had no strong points! Survival can tell me the name of the target, whether it’s edible or poisonous, its habits, and some hints on how to eat it, but I can’t figure out its skills or weaknesses. Plus, the skill only works if the target is within my field of vision…

Still, I consider it a stroke of luck that I’ve become adept enough at using Survival to receive alerts even without conscious effort. While limited to "within my vision," if the enemy or trap is in that range, it will automatically alert me even if I don’t notice it myself. Of course, Ms. Aria would point out the danger too, but being able to grasp the enemy and trap locations myself is really helpful. Plus, it started automatically alerting me to edible things and valuables too! For day-to-day living in this world, being able to find food ingredients and items to sell is an absolute blessing.

“The wild greens I’m cooking now are thanks to the Survival Skill too!”

“…Right, veggies…”

“Oh… I’ll add some animal protein too, like ham and eggs!”

Glancing at me as I chopped the greens on my cutting board, Mr. Ville’s shoulders slumped in dejection.

Ah… By the way, right now, we are taking a break in a small room-like area that’s spacious enough even with the Camping Car manifested. According to Ms. Aria’s floor search information, there’s a place nearby where we can descend to the lower floor, so we decided to rest before moving on. You can’t tell day from night in a dungeon, but it’s been quite a while since we entered, so it is a good time for a break.

For now, I plan to make a minestrone-style soup with the wild greens I acquired through some non-bloody training, the leftover ham Mr. Xenon bought as a souvenir from our previous seafood barbeque, and the onions and tomatoes I bought. According to Survival, this cabbage-like wild green—called hajirokanran—prefers shady areas and has a "delicious" flavor rating. Its key traits are a soft texture and sweetness.

Indeed, the sensation transmitted from my knife is not a hard crunch but a light crispness.

While it should normally be chopped into 5mm pieces, I’m deliberately cutting them larger. I want everyone to experience the satisfaction of thoroughly chewing and swallowing, you see. The onions, tomatoes, and even the ham are cut into larger bite-sized chunks for the same reason. After that, it’s just sautéing in oil, adding water, tossing in one of the infinite consommé cubes I discovered in Campy’s kitchen and dried mushrooms I bought, then simmering on low heat!

It will surely produce a perfectly blissful broth!

Having soup really enhances the dining experience, plus it helps fill the stomach with liquid, which should help stretch our food supply.

“Next, should I cook some rice and make ham and eggs…? How about half-boiled for the eggs? Anyone opposed?”

“Half-boiled sunny-side up!? I love it! Love it!”

“That drippy yolk is irresistible!”

The first to respond were the married couple Mr. Ed and Ms. Aria, who were storing the blankets and overcoats they had bought in the storage compartment of the car. As Ms. Aria, her eyes shining with anticipation, turned back towards me, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was imagining the tail wagging behind her. And there’s Mr. Ed, giving Ms. Aria that gentle, standard smile of his.

Ah… so… enviable…

"I’d be delighted if the ham portion is on the generous side.”

"Ham and eggs… For just ham and eggs, this sounds oddly delicious, isn’t it?”

"I see… Then half-boiled for everyone it is. I’ll have it ready to eat as soon as the rice is done!”

Mr. Xenon returned from checking outside and smiled, while Mr. Ville, clutching his growling stomach, muttered thoughtfully.

At this rate, everyone will probably eat a lot, so I’ll cook extra rice… And I’ll top the rice with fresh tomatoes and “cabbage” for extra volume and make it into rice bowls…! Also, while the rice is cooking, I’ll prepare some dough for the next meal and let it rest…

For now, I’ll start by washing the rice…!

It almost felt like I had developed a skill for parallel thinking, as my thoughts jumped from one task to another. Somehow, I managed to control these wandering thoughts and focused on the familiar routine of washing the rice.

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The Forsaken Saintess and her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World, Chapter 59

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Chapter Fifty-nine: To Master My Skill…

I take the drop items I receive from Mr. Ville and store them in the manifested Camping Car. It’s better to be light and nimble during exploration, after all…

"Hm…? A warning…?”

"What’s wrong, Rin?”

"Ah, Mr. Ville. No…I was just wondering what that was over there…”

As I gazed at the lingering warning alert at the edge of my vision, Mr. Ville, with a puzzled look, patted my shoulder. It’s not really something requiring an official report, but since it piqued my curiosity, I took the opportunity when he called out to me to point at that spot. It’s flat… well, flat-ish compared to the uneven surroundings, clearly smooth in that area.

"…That’s a trap.”

"Ms. Aria! Eh, that’s a trap?”

"Yes. A grounded type trap. You should ask me, the scout, about things like traps!”

"Guh! M-Ms. Aria… can’t… breathe…!”

"Hey, Aria! Rin’s suffocating!”

As the two of us craned our necks, Ms. Aria suddenly popped out from behind Mr. Ville’s back. Her pale blue eyes sparkled in the dim light. As expected of a scout, she moved with such speed that before I knew it, I was enveloped in a tight hug, pressed against her scandalously ample chest.

Amazing? Yes… Wonderfully outrageous? Yes… But a bit too embarrassing!

It was Mr. Ville who grabbed me by the collar and pulled me back from the brink of suffocating via the dream-like cause of smothering by top-quality breasts. He subtly shielded me with his back, but I think at this point I won’t suffocate from those breasts anymore.

Puffing out her baby pink cheeks in seeming displeasure, Ms. Aria formed a ball of string on her palm…and then gently tossed it towards that spot.


The moment it hit the ground, the earth cracked open and swallowed the string ball whole. To seal the opening, a muddy fluid surged up from the hole, oozing out in a viscous flow before solidifying in an instant.

"Mm… pitfall type. There’s nothing around it, so it’s okay to take a look.”

“But… something came out from inside it…”

“Ah, that’s how it seals up the hole… There are quite a few like that in various places.”

With Ms. Aria’s assurance of "nothing to worry about," I gingerly approached. Poking the area where the hole was, I felt a hard texture beneath my finger. When I tapped it, a faint echo suggested the inside was now hollow. It seemed that once the surface solidified, the fluid inside drained away.

An amazing trap…

“Still, nice spotting that, Rin!”

“Ah… well, my skill reacted to it, so…”


I thought it basically told me what is edible or inedible, but while I had experience with it reacting to a poisonous plant, I never expected it to react to a trap too!”

I guess a poisonous plant and a trap both register as "threats to life" and trigger the alert…? If that’s the case, using it in tandem with Ms. Aria’s scouting skills could reduce the risks during exploration…!?

Lost in thought, I met Mr. Ville’s gaze looking down at me.

…Dammit! I’m not jealous of your height or anything! Dammit!

"…It seems you haven’t fully mastered using your skill yet, am I right?”

"Yes, I feel like there’s still more I can do with it based on this.”

“Then why don’t you try using the skill bit by bit while we’re in this dungeon? Since it’ll be a long haul anyway, getting a grasp of the skill’s capabilities should make it easier to use properly.”

You’re right. I wanted to use it before, but never really got the chance… but now it feels like the entire area is like a real combat zone, it’s the perfect training ground!”

If traps register as "life-threatening," then couldn’t treasure chests and valuable items also be sensed as "beneficial to survival"…? I can’t help but wonder.

In any case, it’s learn by doing!

"Well, don’t overdo it, okay? Try it out when we can cover for you.”

"Thank you! I’ll do my best to be useful!”

"Don’t force it. You’ll lose sight of what’s right in front of you if you rush.”

"Huh? Oh, whoa!”

Inside the dungeon, as I get fired up alone, Mr. Ville’s hand pats my back as if to calm me down. Never forgetting to support party members, he is truly a model leader, and the Gourmands party that accepted me is genuinely kind and open-hearted.

…Yup. Though told not to rush, maybe I should still try my best to pay them back somehow…?

Was it because I was thinking about such things…? The next moment after stubbing my toe on something, I lost my balance and my vision flipped upside down.

Oh, I’m falling…!

Bracing for the impending pain and impact, I squeezed my eyes shut… Huh…? No pain?

"Ah… Mr. VilleI’m sorry.”

"So ‘losing sight of what’s right in front of you’ wasn’t just a metaphor, it was a warning, huh?”

"Mm. There was a ledge.”

Opening my eyes which were tightly shut, I found myself cradled in Mr. Ville’s arms instead of falling to the ground. The leader had caught me before I hit the floor.

Phew! With Mr. Ville as support, I managed to steady myself… how embarrassing!

At the quiet words of Ms. Aria, when I looked down, there indeed was quite a ledge. I must have tripped over it.

"…I’ll be more careful where I step…”

"No, that’s why I said don’t overdo it…”

Suppressing the shame from various directions, the words that came out were just a tiny squeak. And even that embarrassed me, making me hang my head as Mr. Ville simply stroked it…

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The Forsaken Saintess and her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World, Chapter 58

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Chapter Fifty-eight: To The Dungeon

“It really was close to town, huh?”

“That’s probably why the guild was so frantic about it…”

After about ten minutes of walking from the main gate, we found ourselves in an unremarkable forest.

…Yup. It looks like just a regular forest, but when I hung the amulet Mr. Ville gave me around my neck… I can suddenly see it—a cave-like opening gaping within the forest.

According to Mr. Ville, a few guild staff members disguised as adventurers completing gathering quests in this area have cast an illusion spell here. This way, only those with the given amulets can see the entrance. The amulet essentially serves as a "pass for authorized personnel.”

Additionally, they are monitoring the surrounding magical energy and magnetic fields while guiding other adventurers away from this dungeon entrance. Conducting a real-time investigation of risky areas and keeping people away from potential danger zones is a sound approach to safety management.

"…No enemy presence detected so far…”

"Got it, let me know if anything comes up.”

"Hey, Ville, the passage looks pretty wide in there. Can’t Rin just blitz through with her skill?”

"Part of our job is gathering intel on what monsters appear, their strengths and tendencies if possible. Rin’s skill won’t let her even spot enemies.”

"Ah, that is troublesome…”

From a distance, the cave seems small and unassuming, but up close, it is quite imposing. The sight of a pitch-black hole gaping amidst the lush greenery can only be described as "eerie.”

Near the entrance, which looks as though it might be exuding miasma, Ms. Aria is inspecting the cave interior. She is acting as a scout, using threads infused with magic to map out the general layout and locate enemy positions.

While Ms. Aria is busy, I take another look at the cave before us. It resembles an old tunnel with a rough, uneven interior, as if concrete had been directly sprayed onto the excavated rock—what’s known as a rock mortar-sprayed tunnel. It seems to have enough width and height for the Camping Car to pass through easily, but if we need information on the enemies, progressing while still inside the vehicle wouldn’t be feasible. There’s no easy way, right?

"The vanguard will be Aria and me. Rin, you’ll be in the middle. Ed and Xenon will cover the rear.”

"For us in back, we just gotta support Rin if anything happens? Okey dokey!”

"During a back attack, we’ll rely on the vanguard to provide support, alright?”

With Ms. Aria’s signal, we finally ventured into the dungeon. Apologetically, I took my place in the middle of the formation since I have no combat abilities. Even with my Survival, I wouldn’t be able to escape from enemies if I were in the front. And if I walked at the rear, I’d either lag behind and get lost or be attacked by monsters—neither option sounds appealing!

Following everyone in the Camping Car was another idea, but we concluded that avoiding floor traps would be too difficult.

"U-Um, sorry to trouble you all like this…”

"Every party with a porter has to make accommodations. Don’t worry about it.”

"Ville’s right, Rin. You’re the reason we even took on this potentially prolonged job, so indulging you is only natural.”

"Mhm. Without Rin’s cooking, we’d have to abandon this mission halfway through… Food is crucial!”

"Yeah yeah, you’ll get used to adventuring life as we go!”

As I dejectedly hunched my shoulders at my helplessness, they reassured me with pats on the head and back. Oof, their kindness is touching…! No matter what happens from here, I’ll leverage my Survival to the fullest to detect danger and retreat to Campy when needed. Until I level up, I’ll be relying on you all.

Internally bowing deeply in apology, I step into the cave, doing my best to keep my footsteps silent. I have been prepared for total darkness, but… there’s this faint greenish-gold glow illuminating the surroundings. It’s like a night light—slightly brighter than the tiny bulb in a fluorescent lamp—just enough to make out our surroundings. While torches or lanterns would provide better visibility, the sudden flare of light in the usual darkness would draw too much attention. Having this faint light, even without a proper light source, is a blessing.

"The walls are glowing…?”

“Luminous moss. No idea why, but it gives off light.”

“…This level of illumination should allow even those without night vision to navigate without a light source.”

The source of the light turns out to be a thin layer of moss clinging to the walls. True to its nature, it is called "luminous moss." I’d heard about “hikarigoke” also known as “luminescent moss” before, but this was my first time seeing it in person!

…Well, who knows if this is the same species found back home, but still.

As I curiously studied the moss, Mr. Ville muttered about the ambient light level while scanning our surroundings.

…"Those without night vision," huh…? I am not a night blind, but this dim light is tough to navigate for meI’m finally getting my eyes adjusted, but I still feel uncertain about my footing… Do people in this world adapt to the dark faster or their level of night vision is just better?

Suddenly, Mr. Ville’s palm is thrust in front of my face. Startled, I look up to see his eyes, now sharp and serious, as he presses a finger to his lips. At that moment, Aria’s whispers "They’re coming" reach my ears, and Survival alert flashes red before my eyes.

…Ah! That means be quiet…!

Silently taking combat stances, the rest of the party comes into view as I press myself flat against the cave wall. The damp moss and rock feel unpleasant, but complaining isn’t an option!

Shhurlll… sharalll… If I had to transcribe the noise, that’s about what it sounded like—the subtle dragging of some wide object echoing from the depths.

"…A musty scent, with that distinct sweet-and-sour syrupy aroma… A maarflower, I suppose?”

"Aahh… In that case, we just burn it, right?”


"It’s a plant monster with highly developed leaves that allow it to move on its own. Look, there it is.”

Mr. Xenon’s murmurs seem to ease the tense air a bit. Had they dealt with these "maarflowers" before…? The casual tone gave me an "Oh, that thing" vibe. Could it be that it’s not as strong as I thought…?

Having never encountered one myself, though, I have no basis to judge! As I tense up further, Mr. Ville points subtly deeper into the cave.

…Oh, what is THAT…?

It’s like someone took the leaves of a snake plant, enlarged them, and spread them out on the ground like a massive dandelion. In the center of this sits a tulip flower with a short stem. The whole silhouette looks bizarre enough, but those leaves are actually moving, crawling along the ground. So, the faint slithering and rustling sound I’ve been hearing is from these leaves dragging and sweeping across the ground… unbelievable.

When I check Survival’s window, I see that it is indeed labeled "maarflower." The edibility rating is "edible." Well, that’s not very reassuring! It means it’s not tasty! Wait a minute… The description also says it’s "carnivorous"!?

"That flower emits an enthralling scent to lure in other creatures and flora as food.”

"Oh… A carnivorous plant, huh? Yikes…!”

"Yeah. But since it’s a plant, it’s weak against fire, see!”

Oh my god, I’ve heard of insect-eating plants, but meat-eating ones?! This could throw the whole ecosystem out of balance! And more importantly, the way it moves is just… unsettlingly creepy!

Mr. Ed laughs and reaches out, snapping me back to reality. His easy-going demeanor seems to dissolve the tension in the air.

"Well, that’s that…!”


"For plant-type monsters, burning them is by far the easiest solution!”

As Mr. Ed clenched his outstretched palm, the previously squirming maarflower halted abruptly, crumpled, and with a fwoomp, swiftly blazed up and promptly burned to ash…!

"Your flames burn hot as ever, Ed.”

"Eh, huh? A fire just… What?!”

"Just isolate, compress and ignite! Simple, right?”

"I don’t understand at all!”

As I stood there in stunned silence, even the remaining ash dispersed with a soft whoosh, leaving behind a seed about the size of a clenched fist and what looked like a leaf. Since they had called it a "monster," I assume these are drop items.

As Mr. Ville picked up the scattered items from the ground, Mr. Ed puffed out his chest proudly. His smug expression looked so much like Ms. Aria’s. Well, they do say couples start to resemble each other over time. Though, I had no idea what he was saying!

In any case, I need to stay on high alert. Mr. Ed made it look easy this time, but there’s no guarantee it will go as smoothly next time. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to escape successfully.

After all, the investigation has only just begun…!

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The Forsaken Saintess and her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World, Chapter 57

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Chapter Fifty-seven: It Is Starting To Feel Like a Fantasy Now, Especially With No Guarantee Of Safety!

Just as Mr. Ville said, the two of us made quick work of moving the supplies to Campy. With him outside the Camping Car and me inside, we basically did a bucket brigade handoff to transfer everything. Normally, I’d run out of space near the entrance from piling stuff up and have to reorganize, load more, and reorganize again, over and over. But just not having to do that made things so much easier…!

“See? Two people knocks it out fast, right?”

“Yes, it went much quicker than I expected! Thank you!”

It took less than fifteen minutes to neatly stow everything in the fridge and storage compartments, which is unbelievably smooth by my usual standards. This is all thanks to Mr. Ville’s spatial awareness, as he meticulously planned the storage spots in the fridge like a 3D puzzle.

Our Gourmands leader is seriously reliable!

“Alright, I’m gonna grab my gear. The others are probably doing the same, so let’s regroup at the main gate in 30 minutes.”

“Got it! And this isn’t a thank you per se, but I will make a snack to keep your stomach satisfied, so please take it with you!”

“…Huh? This… Isn’t this ration for the dungeon? Can I eat this now?”

“It’s extras the shopkeeper tossed in, so it’s not part of the planned supplies. Besides, there’s not much of it, so I thought we could dispose of the evidence before any arguments start…”

As I handed Mr. Ville some barley tea for a break, I heard his stomach make an ominous rumbling noise… After he helped me out, it’d be rude to send him off on an empty stomach!

While I was shopping earlier, a kind granny shopkeeper gave me leftover pita bread as a bonus, so I reached for it and held it up in front of Mr. Ville. "Is it okay?" he asks, but his strawberry-colored eyes follow the golden-brown bread with an expectant look that is just too cute to handle… It is just one piece, given as a leftover, and I was worried that sharing it with the whole party would cause a fight due to its insufficient quantity, so this works out perfectly!

Without even using a knife, I tore the pita in two and generously spread some halberry jam I’d made earlier into the pocket.

There, a jam bread ready in under a minute!

…Eh? You say the pita pocket is meant to be stuffed with savories, not sweets? I get that, but we’re in a bit of a time crunch here—I can’t exactly dawdle making fillings right now. I had considered using the leftover ham from the fridge… but I wanted to save that for dungeon rations.

Plus, the carbs and sugar combo makes for a quick energy boost, perfect for fueling our upcoming activities.

“I see. Then I’ll take it… As long as we keep this between us, right?”

“Exactly, I’d certainly appreciate you keeping this discreet.”

“Understood… To think our cook has a bit of a wicked side.”

“Oh, hardly… Compared to our party leader, I’m an amateur at best!”

This cheeky little mouse has a quick tongue too! Alright, see you at the gate!”

Flashing a mischievous grin, Mr. Ville wolfed down the jam bread, drained the barley tea, and brazenly ruffled my hair before heading off to retrieve his gear from the repository.

…You know, saying something like "a secret just between us☆" sounds so sweet and innocent, but “a confidential talk” sounds more businesslike, right? Either way, I just love these silly little moments, emergency or not!

“Alright, might as well do a bit more shopping on my way to the main gate…”

Stashing the wrapping cloth in my body bag, I dismissed the Camping Car. I tried it out a bit earlier, and it seems that if I move, Campy won’t relocate from where it was manifested unless I deactivate it first… Well, it’s not a big deal, so it’s fine.

While hurrying ahead, I picked up any ingredients that caught my eye, buying as much as I could carry. I was especially fortunate to be able to snag some bottled milk!

"Oh, Ms. Aria and Mr. Ed! You’re already here?”

"Mhm! All prepped!”

"We don’t need too many getup changes.”

Carefully not to drop the bottles or crush my new goods, I hurried to the main gate to find some members had already assembled. Mr. Ed didn’t look much different gear-wise, but… Ms. Aria?

How to put this—she is wearing a sort of white ao dai with frilly flared cuffs and pants? The fitted top half really accentuated her, uh, assets, while the lower part is flowy, creating a striking contrast that’s incredibly cute, but there’s a slit that goes up to her waist, revealing glimpses of her snow-white skin, which is simply irresistible!

The ethereal, translucent aesthetic totally suits Ms. Aria!

And wait, what’s that? There’s a red, rhinestone-like thing glimmering on her forehead…?

"…Mhm… compound eyes ornament…?”

"Compound eyes… those ruby-like gems are pretty… Do they help you see better or something?”

"Yes. I can sense presence better too… In fact… Xenon is approaching from behind right now.”

"Eeh! You can detect that too?! Amazing!”

Noticing my gaze, Ms. Aria brushed her bangs up to reveal the gemstones. There was one small gem above the center of her forehead, with another on each side. Additionally, there were small ruby-like gems just above the inner corners of her eyebrows. Against Ms. Aria’s overall pallor, these "compound eyes" were the only distinctly colored features.

As one gem glints, sure enough, Mr. Xenon ambles into view from behind Ms. Aria just as she’d said.

“Oh, you are already here too, Rin. Were you able to stock up sufficiently?”

“Fortunately, I believe I have enough for an extended trip.”

“Excellent. Now we just await Ville, and we can depart.”

Mr. Xenon himself had traded his usual light robes for a dark outfit called a “chokha” robe or something and carried a gemstone-studded staff—looking properly fantastical as well. Both he and Ms. Aria pulled off the whimsical aesthetic flawlessly thanks to being, you know, an ethereally beautiful woman and classically handsome elf.

"Yo, you’re all here!”

"Speak of the devil and he appears. The leader’s the last one as always, hmm?”

"At last! Shall we get going then?”

"Yes. Our destination is near town, but recent irregularities mean we can’t let our guard down on the road there.”

“Mm! Roger that!”

As Mr. Ville emerged from the commotion, his appearance seemed… not much different from usual, at least to my eyes. The only noticeable changes were the different colors of leather used for his armor and the addition of shoulder guards and gauntlets… Oh, and his weapon had changed to a two-handed greatsword… Is that all the difference? Maybe the grade of materials used has been upgraded too… but how would I know…?

In any case, the full Gourmands roster is assembled!

To avoid disrupting the bustling streets where life continues as usual, I control my facial muscles, which tend to harden, and pass through the main gate with everyone.

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The Forsaken Saintess and her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World, Chapter 56

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Chapter Fifty-six: The Work is 20% Action and 80% Preparation. Now, Watch How I Finish It

The shops Ms. Sheila introduced me to were truly hidden gems. While their exterior appearances might give one pause before entering, the products they offered were genuinely good. What’s more, she even introduced me to the owners and staff so I could shop there alone next time.

I can’t thank her enough!

But most helpful this time was being able to procure hard wheat flour… in other words, "bread flour" at one of the recommended shops. I had some all-purpose flour on hand, so I could manage certain dishes. But for making pasta, dough, and the like, you really need bread flour, you know? While I was at it, I also stocked up on dried beans, dried mushrooms, dried vegetables, smoked and salted meats, fruits, vegetables, and even a nice chunk of rock salt that I personally wanted. I borrowed a large backpack from the guild before leaving, and let me tell you—I loaded that thing up to the point it was digging into my shoulders! Of course, my trusty wrapping cloth came in handy too. It’s amazing how much you can carry with just a piece of cloth.

Oh, and eggs were surprisingly affordable, so I grabbed some of those too. I had this image that eggs were pricey in the era before modern, large-scale poultry farming… but for some reason, they were quite reasonably priced. Why exactly eggs were so cheap remains a mystery. But based on Survival, they seem edible, tasty, and a convenient way to get animal protein! There was no reason not to buy them.

Gnnnghh… A-Anyways, with all this, I should at least be able to cover staple foods and main dishes. Hopefully, we can procure fresh meat on location… or get some as monster drops!”

“A-Are you okay, Ms. Rin? I can carry a bit more if needed.”

“It’s a bit heavy but totally manageable! ‘If you are prepared you don’t have to worry,’ as they say…!”

Ms. Sheila was peering at me with a concerned look, but while the load was heavy, the backpack made it bearable—not to the point of "I can’t take it anymore!”

In fact, Ms. Sheila is already carrying various small vegetables and eggs, so I can’t burden her any further. After all, it’s the food for our party, the Gourmands.

Given my repertoire and cooking skills, I can’t perform the godlike feat of serving a different menu every day like the genius chef who accompanied a certain polar exploration team or the Japanese cuisine expert who joined a famous fishing-loving writer on his world fishing trips. But if I want everyone to enjoy the food without getting sick of it, I need a decent variety of ingredients. So this grocery run was crucial preparation.

“Oh, Ms. Sheila, I want to use my skill to pack this all up, but is there a discreet spot to do that? I’d rather not use it too openly in front of the general public…”

“How about the guild’s courtyard? It’s pretty spacious, and adventurers often train there, so using skills wouldn’t seem out of place.”

“Really? But do I need any special permission or paperwork to use the courtyard?”

“No need! You can head straight there once we arrive at the guild.”

“Then I’ll make a beeline for the courtyard once we get there!”

Organizing all these supplies will take time, and if I meet up with the rest, I want to be ready to depart right away. But I can’t exactly set up the Camping Car out on the street—people who can’t see it would just see supplies vanishing into thin air! That’d cause a huge commotion!

So when I asked Ms. Sheila about it, turns out there’s a perfect spot! The courtyard would let me summon Campy discreetly, and meet up with everyone, and using my skill in a corner might just seem like training rather than draw attention. Perfect for prepping, right?

For the time being, I’ll just toss in the dry goods and root vegetables that are fine at room temperature, while leafy greens and fruits can go in the fridge’s vegetable compartment, I suppose…?

Picking up some nicely plump and glossy tomatoes and eggplants along the way, we headed back to the guild. The whole way, the bouncy laughter of playing children, vendors’ calls, giggling neighborhood ladies gossiping, the general bustle of working people—it all filled my ears.

I may not know this town deeply, but personally, I think it’s a good place. The grandmas giving veggie extras, the friendly shopkeepers, people offering to help carry bags… A town filled with such kind people shouldn’t be ravaged by monsters spilling out of a dungeon. I want their lively, peaceful days to continue forever…

“Okay, Ms. Rin, the courtyard is just straight through this turn!”

“Eh!? O-Oh, we’re already here. Thank you!”

“Yes, although I had hoped to escort you to the courtyard myself. My apologies for the half-baked guidance—other staff needed me for something…”

“Not at all! I’m so grateful you showed me those wonderful shops! Truly, thank you!”

“Please do your best too, Ms. Rin! And don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything else!”

Before I knew it, Ms. Sheila had lightly tugged my hand, and I found myself standing outside the guild entrance. I must have unconsciously quickened my pace at some point—we arrived sooner than I expected. Looking down, I saw Ms. Sheila frowning with a troubled expression.

No no, please prioritize work! I’ll be just fine on my own from here!

Shaking her hand firmly with gratitude, I watch Ms. Sheila’s apron dress flounce as she scampers back the way we came, disappearing around a corner.

“…All right, let me load this before linking up with Mr. Ville and everyone!”

“Load what, Rin?”

“Huah!? M-Mr. Ville!?”

I was just about to go pick up the gear for our expedition now that the details are sorted, but then I spotted you and Sheila… Is this luggage yours?”

I can handle this amount on my own, and you have your equipment to retrieve, right? Please prioritize that.”

I overheard earlier that you’re headed to the courtyard. My gear is being kept in the guild’s storage, but cutting through the courtyard is a shortcut. Plus, it must be tough to carry all this on your own, correct?”

No sooner had I turned my heel toward the recommended courtyard than a familiar voice called out. Sure enough, there was Mr. Ville, swiftly snatching up the paper bag and the wrapping cloth bundle at my feet before I could protest. Well… it’s definitely easier without luggage, but… I don’t want to burden someone who’s about to venture into the dungeon with exhausting physical labor.

Not that reaching for the bags did any good—he just lightly brushed me off!

When someone as tall as Mr. Ville held the bags up high, I physically couldn’t reach them no matter how far I stretched. Dammit!

N-No, I’m definitely not crying!

“Don’t worry, I’m not so frail this little load will fatigue me. Now, the courtyard’s this way, okay?”

“A-Ah, wait, Mr. Ville!”

Grinning like he could read my mind, Mr. Ville strode off toward the courtyard.

Even if you leave me behind, the Camping Car can’t be loaded without me, you know, Leader!

I readjust the backpack that has slipped down and hurriedly follow Mr. Ville

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